Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Encounters with A-holes

We all know one. Maybe we work or go to school with them. We may know several. They are overly confident, jerky, obnoxious, rude, and the list goes on. How frustrating is it to deal with this person day in and day out? Ugh, it is the worst, right? It is not like they ever get the hint either. Actually, they probably do and just do not care. That is so like them. Annoying, right? Well, lucky, for you I have compiled a list of ways to make sure they do not bother you anymore.
1. When they walk past you, give them a wide eyed big smile and do not stop. Keep doing this until they are out of sight. Your mouth and eyes will hurt but, trust me, this will work.
2. They come up to talk to you. Clearly, you do not have time for this.What you have to do is repeat everything they say. I mean everything. You have got to go all in. If they sneeze well you are just going to have to sneeze, too.
3. Pick your teeth in front of them when they are eating. Is this gross? Absolutely! It is effective though.
4. Only refer to them as Captain Asshat.
5. When out to dinner with one you should eat off of their plate. When they try to eat off your plate, smack their hand away, and growl at them.
Like I said everyone knows an A-hole. This list will be sure to help so they do not bother you anymore! If you do not know one then it is probably you and you should get your act together, Captain Asshat.
You’re welcome!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Funny Talk

Calaboose- slang for a small prison. Try to use this word in a sentence today without laughing. Good Luck!

Where Are They Now?

We examine what happened to our beloved cartoon characters after they left the small screen. Today we visit Helga Pataki from Hey! Arnold. Helga Pataki: When fifth grade began Helga was dating Arnold but the relationship soon fizzled due to "irreconcilable differences". Due to a broken heart Helga changed schools in the middle of the school year to PS 120. She attended PS 120 for the next three and a half years losing most contact with former classmates. By the time high school rolled around Helga had completely changed her image. She ditched her signature pink and red dress, dyed her hair black, and started dating Stefano- an upper-classman. They dated all throughout her high school career until she moved to Los Angeles to study fashion and merchandising. Currently, Helga lives in Los Angeles with her best friend, Lina, and their dog, Hendrix. She works as a fashion writer for a teen magazine.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

'Comf' Potato

Is there such a style as Granny Chic?

because if not I need to start it:

knitted sweaters, flowery cotton robes, pink tracksuits, loafers, brooches, and comfy underwear.

Yep. That's the life.

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Medicinal Ice Cream?!

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How is it that ice cream that cures a sore throat/cold has not been invented yet?

I am no scientist or doctor but I am pretty sure that this should be made.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wait, they said what?

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Today while watching tv a subway commerical was on. Set scene: It starts off with a man pulling bread out of the oven and the narrator goes " The first thing we think about when we wake up in the morning is Brett". Then you see "Brett" smelling the hot product from the oven.

and I think Well this is getting pretty personal, Subway. 

A couple seconds pass....

Ohhhhh they said BREAD!

That makes more sense.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Dorothy, a substitute teacher,  taught viewers that a potato was a vegetable.

I did not know this. 

Thank you Ms. Zbornak

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